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 2020-07-09 18:52





二次大戰後,台灣歷經近四十年戒嚴,經過無數前輩犧牲,才爭取到今日的自由民主. 台灣主權在民的觀念深植民心。台灣的主權並不屬於中國,是屬於台灣全體住民。正如同蘇格蘭獨立自決投票,英格蘭人無權參與;加泰隆尼亞獨立自決投票,西班牙人無權投票。更進一步說,當前中國政權,亦即中華人民共和國,從未統治過台灣,正因為如此,台灣成為一個舉世敬重的民主國家,台灣的前途,只有台灣住民有權決定。






福和會 理事長 林逸民
李登輝民主協會 理事長 張燦鍙
台灣教授協會 會長 賴振昌
台灣聯合國協進會 理事長 蔡明憲
陳文成紀念基金會/國際自由婦女協會 董事長/創辦人 楊黃美幸
台灣社/北社 社長 李川信
中社 社長 羅倫檭
南社 社長 翁銘章
東社(台東) 社長 廖秋娥
東社(花蓮) 社長 王敏禎
客社 社長 張葉森
台灣教師聯盟 理事長 李慧生
台獨聯盟 主席 陳南天
台灣公投護台灣聯盟促進會  總召集人 蔡丁貴
台灣國辦公室 總召集人 王獻極
台灣人權文化協會 理事長 謝宗憲
李江卻台語文教基金會 董事長 邱文錫

Open letter to Himalaya Global

At the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre on June 4 in 1989, as the whole world was mourning for it, Mr. Miles Kwok (Guo Wengui) announced his vision for the New Federal State of China in the future.

We support and admire Mr. Miles Kwok's resolution and endeavor to overthrow the Communist Party of China, which not only oppresses the Chinese people and is also a great threat to the world peace.

However, Mr. Miles Kwok formulated in the name of Himalaya Global to enable the Chinese people to vote along with the Taiwanese people to determine the future of Taiwan. This is absolutely what we cannot accept.

Taiwan has never been part of the territory of the China proper in history. China had occupied Taiwan as late as in the Qing dynasty as the last foreign conquest regime but then China ceded Taiwan to Japan in the Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1895. If Taiwan could have been classified as the territory of the China proper, in this absurd standard, all the maps of European countries have to be redrawn.

After World War II, Taiwan had been ruled nearly 40 years under martial law and has attained liberty and democracy through the sacrifice of numerous forerunners. The concept that sovereignty belongs to the people has deeply rooted in Taiwan. Taiwan's sovereignty belongs to all the residents of Taiwan and does not belong to China. Similarly, the people of England have no rights to participate in the independence and self-determination of Scotland. Spaniards have no rights to vote in the independence referendum of Catalonia. Furthermore, the People's Republic of China as the regime of China has never governed Taiwan. Consequently, Taiwan has become a well respected democratic country. Only the residents of Taiwan have the right to determine the future of Taiwan.

Among the residents in Taiwan (archipelagos of Formosa and Pescadores,) more than 83% identified themselves as Taiwanese and less than 5% identified themselves as Chinese. To all the proponents for the democratization of China, we call for a clear recognition of the separation of treatment between Taiwan and China. After the democratization of China, Taiwan and China can have a friendly international relationship just like that between the United States of America and Britain. Taiwan, China on both side of Taiwan straits are two different country.  It is the basic knowledge  and also an undeniable fact. This constitutes the fundamental respect for Taiwanese people by all the people who pursue liberty and democracy.

Let those who share the universal values of democracy and freedom work together with solidarity.

We look forward to the early success of the democratization movement of China!

Formosa Republican Association President Dr. Tommy Lin
LeeTeng-hui Association for Democracy President Prof. George Chang
Taiwan Association of University Professors President Prof. Lai Cheng-chang
The Taiwan United Nations Alliance President Prof. Michael Tsai
Taiwan Society/Taiwan Society North President Lee Chuan-hsin
Dr. Chen Wen-Chen Memorial Foundation/
International Network of Liberal Women President/Founder Maysing Yang
Central Taiwan Society President Luo Lun-yin
South Society President Weng Ming-chang
Taiwan Society East (Taitung) President Liao Chiu-eh
Taiwan Society East (Hualien) President Wang Min-chen
Taiwan Society Hakka President Chang Yeh-sen
Taiwan Teachers' Union President Lee Hui-sheng
World United Formosans for Independence Chairman Chen Nan-tien
Alliance of Referendum for Taiwan General Coordinator Prof. Ting-Kuei Tsay
Taiwan Republic Office General Coordinator Wang Hsien-chi
Taiwan Human Rights and Cultural Association President Hsieh Tsong-Hsien
Lí Kang Khioh Taiwanese Cultural & Educational Foundation President Khu Bun-sek
Lane 30, Yongji Road Club
Taipei City Hakka Union
Exchange Association

