美國總統當選人川普日前受訪時暗示,將來不一定會受「一中政策」約束,對此,台灣人公共事務會(FAPA)12日發表聲明表示,樂見美國挑戰過時的 「一中政策」,台灣人民自決的自由,不應成為美國與中國利益交換的籌碼。
FAPA於12日發表聲明表示,樂見美國挑戰已經過時的 「一個中國」 政策,「台灣從未屬於中國」,台灣人民自決的自由,不應成為與中國利益交換的籌碼,把台灣當作與中國交易談判的籌碼,完全違反美國立國的理想與核心價值。
On December 11, President-elect Trump was interviewed by Chris Wallace on FOX TV. During the interview, the president-elect said, “I fully understand the One China policy, but I don’t know why we have to be bound by One China policy unless we make a deal with China having to do with other things, including trade.”
We at FAPA are heartened to see President-elect Trump challenge the outdated “One China Policy”. Taiwan has never been a part of the People’s Republic of China.
However, Taiwan’s right to self-determination and democracy should not be a bargaining chip. Using Taiwan in any sort of “deal” with China is against the very ideals on which our nation is founded.
Beijing’s aggression and false claim to Taiwan were handily rejected by Taiwan’s electorate in the presidential election earlier this year. China’s claim is not only unfounded, but also against the free will of the 23 million Taiwanese people.
China’s continued military expansion, if left unchecked, will be a threat to regional security and stability. Taiwan is US’ vital partner in maintaining peace and stability in East Asia. Maintaining and recognizing the de-facto independence of Taiwan is in US’ strategic interest.
We urge the US to build on the call with Taiwan’s President Tsai and take further steps to normalize US-Taiwan relations. As a Taiwanese American grassroots organization with 43 chapters in the US, we urge the US to reevaluate and update its policies on Taiwan.