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 2020-08-28 14:00
台灣關係法第十五條釋放出的訊息就是:台灣住民要組織一個台灣自治政府,準備在中華民國離去之後,繼任為台灣治理當局的角色。圖為《臺灣關係法》立法40週年紀念活動發表會,美國國會臺灣連線共同主席James Inhofe祝賀談話。圖/擷自外交部網站影片
台灣關係法第十五條釋放出的訊息就是:台灣住民要組織一個台灣自治政府,準備在中華民國離去之後,繼任為台灣治理當局的角色。圖為《臺灣關係法》立法40週年紀念活動發表會,美國國會臺灣連線共同主席James Inhofe祝賀談話。圖/擷自外交部網站影片


此外要從哪一個母國獨立出來? 台灣已經沒有母國,如果有母國那就是日本。但是在舊金山和約的第二條與第四條的規範下,日本已經對台灣領土喪失聲請權了! 如果美國不還台灣、澎湖給日本,日本也無話可說。台澎既不屬中國和中華民國,又不屬美國的固有領土,那台灣就沒有宣佈獨立建國的事。


台澎是舊金山和約稱謂之本土台灣住民(inhabitants),或聯合國憲章第73條稱謂之台灣民族(Taiwan peoples)的固有領土,不是報章雜誌或電視上所說的台灣人民(people on Taiwan)的固有領土!不長進的台籍政客詐騙被國民黨長期洗腦的台灣同胞,是台灣住民至今還是三等國民,沒有國籍,只能在國際間顛沛流離,被國際各國踢來踢去,毫無人性尊嚴可言。






所以,根據聯合國憲章第73條及舊金山和約第23條,美國制定〈台灣關係法〉(Taiwan Relations Act,TRA, January 1, 1979; Public Law 96-8, by 96th Congress)第15條一般的譯稿不易了解。因為是照英文字面翻譯,難窺奧秘的緣故。我們





台灣關係法第十五條釋放出的訊息就是: 台灣住民要組織一個台灣自治政府,準備在中華民國離去之後,繼任為台灣治理當局的角色。因為,臺灣關係法第四條b項8款說: 美國法律中有關維持美國對台灣外交關係或承認的規定,不論明示或默示,均無關緊要。這表示美國沒有承認台灣獨立建國的問題。所以,籌組台灣(自治)政府,準備接替中華民國,才是台澎住民正確無誤的建國方略!

《臺灣關係法》立法40週年紀念活動發表會,聯邦眾院外委會共和黨首席議員Mike McCaul (R-TX)住祝賀談話。圖/擷自外交部網站影片


(附錄一)聯合國憲章第73條(Article 73 of the Charter, United Nations)Members of the United Nations which have or assume responsibilities for the administration of territories whose peoples have not yet attained a full measure of self-government recognize the principle that the interests of the inhabitants of these territories are paramount, and accept as a sacred trust the obligation to promote to the utmost, within the system of international peace and security established by the present Charter, the well-being of the inhabitants of these territories, and, to this end:

a)to ensure, with due respect for the culture of the peoples concerned, their political, economic, social, and  educational advancement, their just treatment, and their protection against abuses;

b)to develop self-government, to take due account of the political aspirations of the peoples, and to assist them in the progressive development of their free political institutions, according to the particular circumstances of each territory and its peoples and their varying stages of advancement;

c)to further international peace and security;

d)to promote constructive measures of development, to encourage research, and to co-operate with one another and, when and where appropriate, with specialized international bodies with a view to the practical achievement of the social, economic, and scientific purposes set forth in this Article; and

e)to transmit regularly to the Secretary-General for information purposes, subject to such limitation as security and constitutional considerations may require, statistical and other information of a technical nature relating to economic, social, and educational conditions in the territories for which they are respectively responsible other than those territories to which Chapters XII and XIII apply.

(附錄二)臺灣關係法第15條 (Section 15, Taiwan Relations Act)


Section15. For purposes of this Act-

1. the term “laws of the United States” includes any statute, rule, regulation, ordinance, order, or judicial rule of decision of the United States or any political subdivision thereof; and

2. the term “Taiwan” includes, as the context may require, the islands of Taiwan and the Pescadores, the people on those islands, corporations and other entities and associations created or organized under the laws applied on those islands, and the governing authorities on Taiwan recognized by the United States as the Republic of China prior to January 1, 1979, and any successor governing authorities (including political subdivisions, agencies, and instrumentalities thereof).

